1. 15-Minute Complimentary Phone Consultation: Please call 203-826-8980 or submit this form for a complimentary consultation to discuss your concerns and questions and receive recommendations regarding next steps. 
  2. Comprehensive Evaluation: Evaluations consist of standardized diagnostic tests as well as non-standardized measures and observation to gain a complete picture of abilities. You will be asked to complete intake forms and return them to the office a week prior to your appointment. Following the evaluation, a report is written and a conference is scheduled to share the results of the evaluation, explain our findings, and make specific recommendations including if therapy is warranted.
  3. Individualized Treatment Plan: Based upon results from the evaluation, a personalized treatment plan is created with goals and activities tailored to each client. One-on-one therapy sessions range from 30 minutes to 1 hour and may occur once or twice a week depending on you or your child’s specific needs. All sessions are goal-driven and data-based to track improvement.